SEbuah wadah yang diciptakan untuk aku,biar aku yang menilai,untuk kepentingan aku...


Foto saya
kampong Melayu, penang, Malaysia
22 tahun hidup di dunia..since 28 february 1988.

Isnin, 20 Julai 2009


Retrospective (from Latin retrospectare, "look back") generally means to take a look back at events that already have taken place.
Visual arts
Within the visual arts, the term commonly refers to an art exhibition assembled to allow a look back at an individual artist's career, an art movement, or a certain artistic period.
In film as an art form, a retrospective is a representative selection of films of a specific actor, director, or other film crew member, or pertaining to a specific film genre or era. Retrospectives may be presented by local movie theaters or as part of film festivals.

1 reaksi:

Universal Squad POWERED by HOTS berkata...

WhutS up Bro?! 'Cas'konaro Rules!

masih ada lagi bintang pada malam ini?atau hanya sunyi menemani hari..